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Protest de amploare la Bucureşti și în toată România - Foto

© AFP 2024 / DANIEL MIHAILESCUProteste Bucuresti
Proteste Bucuresti - Sputnik Moldova
Chiar dacă ora oficială de încheiere a protestului din 10 august de la Bucureşti era 22:15, acesta s-a încheiat abia către miezul nopţii, numărul protestatarilor fiind constant în scădere, spre sfârşit rămânând doar câteva sute de oameni în Piaţa Victoriei.

CHIȘINĂU, 11 aug - Sputnik. Potrivit estimărilor forţelor de ordine, aproximativ 24 de mii de persoane au participat la acţiunea de protest din 10 august din Piaţa Victoriei, numărul protestatarilor fiind în creştere spre seară, către ora 21:00, scrie

Protestul din 10 august din Piaţa Victoriei

Manifestaţia a fost organizată de Tomescu Tommy Joul în calitate de reprezentant al Grupului de Acţiune Civică Diaspora pentru România, cererea sa la Primăria Bucureşti fiind aprobată pentru aproximativ 250.000 de persoane. 

© AFP 2024 / DANIEL MIHAILESCUPeople wave Romanian national flags as they protest against the government and the Social Democratic ruling Party (PSD) in front of the Romanian Government headquarters in Bucharest August 10, 2019. - Around 24,000 protesters marched down the streets of Bucharest to demand the resignation of the left-wing government, one year after a rally violently repressed by the Romanian Gendarmes. (Photo by Daniel MIHAILESCU / AFP)
Proteste Bucuresti - Sputnik Moldova
People wave Romanian national flags as they protest against the government and the Social Democratic ruling Party (PSD) in front of the Romanian Government headquarters in Bucharest August 10, 2019. - Around 24,000 protesters marched down the streets of Bucharest to demand the resignation of the left-wing government, one year after a rally violently repressed by the Romanian Gendarmes. (Photo by Daniel MIHAILESCU / AFP)
© AFP 2024 / DANIEL MIHAILESCUPeople gesture and shout slogans during a protest against the government and the Social Democratic ruling Party (PSD) in front of the Romanian Government headquarters in Bucharest August 10, 2019. - Around 24,000 protesters marched down the streets of Bucharest to demand the resignation of the left-wing government, one year after a rally violently repressed by the Romanian Gendarmes. (Photo by Daniel MIHAILESCU / AFP)
Proteste Bucuresti - Sputnik Moldova
People gesture and shout slogans during a protest against the government and the Social Democratic ruling Party (PSD) in front of the Romanian Government headquarters in Bucharest August 10, 2019. - Around 24,000 protesters marched down the streets of Bucharest to demand the resignation of the left-wing government, one year after a rally violently repressed by the Romanian Gendarmes. (Photo by Daniel MIHAILESCU / AFP)
© AFP 2024 / DANIEL MIHAILESCURomanian Gendarmes stand ready in front of protesters during a protest against the government and the Social Democratic ruling Party (PSD) in front of the Romanian Government headquarters in Bucharest August 10, 2019. - Around 24,000 protesters marched down the streets of Bucharest to demand the resignation of the left-wing government, one year after a rally violently repressed by the Romanian Gendarmes. (Photo by Daniel MIHAILESCU / AFP)
Proteste Bucuresti - Sputnik Moldova
Romanian Gendarmes stand ready in front of protesters during a protest against the government and the Social Democratic ruling Party (PSD) in front of the Romanian Government headquarters in Bucharest August 10, 2019. - Around 24,000 protesters marched down the streets of Bucharest to demand the resignation of the left-wing government, one year after a rally violently repressed by the Romanian Gendarmes. (Photo by Daniel MIHAILESCU / AFP)
© AFP 2024 / DANIEL MIHAILESCUPeople light their mobile phones as they protest against the government and the Social Democratic ruling Party (PSD) in front of the Romanian Government headquarters in Bucharest August 10, 2019. - Around 24,000 protesters marched down the streets of Bucharest to demand the resignation of the left-wing government, one year after a rally violently repressed by the Romanian Gendarmes. (Photo by Daniel MIHAILESCU / AFP)
Proteste Bucuresti - Sputnik Moldova
People light their mobile phones as they protest against the government and the Social Democratic ruling Party (PSD) in front of the Romanian Government headquarters in Bucharest August 10, 2019. - Around 24,000 protesters marched down the streets of Bucharest to demand the resignation of the left-wing government, one year after a rally violently repressed by the Romanian Gendarmes. (Photo by Daniel MIHAILESCU / AFP)
© AFP 2024 / DANIEL MIHAILESCUPeople light their mobile phones as they protest against the government and the Social Democratic ruling Party (PSD) in front of the Romanian Government headquarters in Bucharest August 10, 2019. - Around 24,000 protesters marched down the streets of Bucharest to demand the resignation of the left-wing government, one year after a rally violently repressed by the Romanian Gendarmes. (Photo by Daniel MIHAILESCU / AFP)
Proteste Bucuresti - Sputnik Moldova
People light their mobile phones as they protest against the government and the Social Democratic ruling Party (PSD) in front of the Romanian Government headquarters in Bucharest August 10, 2019. - Around 24,000 protesters marched down the streets of Bucharest to demand the resignation of the left-wing government, one year after a rally violently repressed by the Romanian Gendarmes. (Photo by Daniel MIHAILESCU / AFP)
People wave Romanian national flags as they protest against the government and the Social Democratic ruling Party (PSD) in front of the Romanian Government headquarters in Bucharest August 10, 2019. - Around 24,000 protesters marched down the streets of Bucharest to demand the resignation of the left-wing government, one year after a rally violently repressed by the Romanian Gendarmes. (Photo by Daniel MIHAILESCU / AFP)
People gesture and shout slogans during a protest against the government and the Social Democratic ruling Party (PSD) in front of the Romanian Government headquarters in Bucharest August 10, 2019. - Around 24,000 protesters marched down the streets of Bucharest to demand the resignation of the left-wing government, one year after a rally violently repressed by the Romanian Gendarmes. (Photo by Daniel MIHAILESCU / AFP)
Romanian Gendarmes stand ready in front of protesters during a protest against the government and the Social Democratic ruling Party (PSD) in front of the Romanian Government headquarters in Bucharest August 10, 2019. - Around 24,000 protesters marched down the streets of Bucharest to demand the resignation of the left-wing government, one year after a rally violently repressed by the Romanian Gendarmes. (Photo by Daniel MIHAILESCU / AFP)
People light their mobile phones as they protest against the government and the Social Democratic ruling Party (PSD) in front of the Romanian Government headquarters in Bucharest August 10, 2019. - Around 24,000 protesters marched down the streets of Bucharest to demand the resignation of the left-wing government, one year after a rally violently repressed by the Romanian Gendarmes. (Photo by Daniel MIHAILESCU / AFP)
People light their mobile phones as they protest against the government and the Social Democratic ruling Party (PSD) in front of the Romanian Government headquarters in Bucharest August 10, 2019. - Around 24,000 protesters marched down the streets of Bucharest to demand the resignation of the left-wing government, one year after a rally violently repressed by the Romanian Gendarmes. (Photo by Daniel MIHAILESCU / AFP)

Acţiunea de protest a avut loc la un an de la manifestaţiile antiguvernamentale ale diasporei din 10 august, soldate cu intervenţia în forţă a jandarmilor şi a fost argumentată de tergiversarea dosarului "10 august 2018" şi de unele măsuri luate de politicieni în domeniul legislaţiei penale.

Oamenii adunaţi în Piaţa Victoriei, reuniţi de la orele prânzului, au purtat pancarte cu diverse mesaje şi steaguri ale României şi ale Uniunii Europene, au cerut demisia Guvernului, suflând în fluiere şi vuvuzele.

"PSD şi Jandarmeria au fost ţinta altor scandări ale protestatarilor. S-a strigat: "Demisia!", "Hoţii!", "Jandarmeria apără hoţia!", "PSD, ciuma roşie!", "Fără penali în funcţii publice", "Corupţia ucide!", "România nu e a voastră! Plecaţi la căpşuni sau la puşcărie", "Demisia Teodorovici, Daea" - au fost câteva dintre mesajele afişate în piaţă", transmite Agerpres.

Incidente la protestul din 10 august de la Bucureşti

În cadrul acţiunii de protest din faţa Palatului Victoria au fost şi incidente minore anunţate de Jandarmerie: două cazuri de persoane depistate la filtrele de la intrarea în piaţă cu arme albe, iar o a treia persoană cu obiecte pirotehnice.

O altă persoană a fost identificată şi amendată pentru o dispută verbală cu forţele de ordine.

Reprezentanţii ISU au informat că 11 persoane din piaţă au avut nevoie de asistenţă medicală, din cauza temperaturii ridicate.

"O echipă de poliţişti care intenţiona să verifice un autovehicul parcat în centrul Pieţei Victoriei, după un apel la 112 ce semnala că maşina ar conţine obiecte suspecte, a fost extrasă de jandarmi din mulţime, după ce participanţii la protest au început să huiduie", menţionează Agerpres.

Declaraţiile ministrului interimar de Interne, Mihai Fifor, după încheierea protestului din 10 august

Ministrul interimar de Interne, Mihai Fifor, a mulţumit tuturor cetățenilor care au participat la proteste "într-un mod atât de civilizat și de pașnic".

"Ați sancționat atât tentativele de instigare la violență, cât și pe cele de politizare a evenimentului, așa încât am asistat, cu toții, la un act democratic sănătos și fără incidente. Mulțumesc totodată tuturor autorităților implicate pentru mobilizare, pentru atitudinea responsabilă și profesionalismul de care au dat dovadă", a scris Mihai Fifor pe pagina sa de Facebook, după încheierea protestului din Piaţa Victoriei.

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